The G.O.A.T. in Reliability (thanks in part to some incredible goats!)
August 25, 2023
This summer, nearly three dozen hungry and dedicated goats have been helping ComEd manage vegetation under our powerlines in Oglesby, Illinois. Yep, you read that right—goats!
ComEd’s vegetation management team is always hard at work to ensure that vegetation in northern Illinois doesn’t intervene with power lines and utility equipment. But sometimes, the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time) vegetation management crew is made up of goats!
When the landscape is incredibly rocky or steep, it can be challenging for ComEd’s vegetation management crews to clear brush safely. If the brush remains unchecked, it can pose risks to our power reliability and have the potential to create power outages for customers.
Our goats are an eco-friendly solution to help keep our grid resilient, reduce safety risks for our teams and provide customers with some of the most reliable power in the country. As an added perk, every day is a great day in the “office” because our goats love a good all-you-can-eat buffet!
To thank the goats for their hard work this summer, we’re showing them all the goat-to-places around Chicago and letting them kick up their hooves and chill! All members of the public are invited to join in the fun Tuesday, August 29, to celebrate the ComEd goats and all they do to help bring us safe and reliable power.
Stop by and say “haaaaaaayyyyyy” from 11:30-12:00, 12:30-1:00, 1:30-2:00 and 2:30-3:00 PM on Michigan Avenue at Pioneer Court.